Improving administrative workflows for large organizations by offering ways to customize data tracking and display
Legal cases are represented as databases, which live under one organization in Everlaw.
There was no way for organization admins to track custom details about their databases, which was a pain point in workflows and security practices.
We met a large client’s contract “must- have” while uncovering and addressing reporting needs for our broader user base.
Why was this a problem?
How might we...
While robust fields best served our broader user base, we still needed a way for users to call attention to pertinent details (such as a database being sensitive). We looked at other products for inspiration related to this theme.
We came up with 2 directions and reviewed the concepts with stakeholders, discussing the pros and cons of each.
Users can create custom fields of different types (text, numeric, multiple choice, etc). Users can "pin" fields to make important information appear near database names.
Using our design system, I created a high fidelity prototype in Figma to user test the various flows.
After populating database fields, users expected to see all of the details available in one view on the “projects” page.
Creating a new view on this page was out of scope for the feature, so we documented the feedback to address with future initiatives. In the meantime, we provided an export of the data.
A primary reason that users want to track database details is to better understand data usage reports. Our current report page showed an individual breakdown by databases, but users needed a higher level view.
We added an option to change the table view so that admins could see higher-level, aggregate usage data based on the fields they had created for their organization.
Admins created work-arounds of including details in the database name. While this resulted in really long names, some of these details were helpful when browsing long lists of databases.
Users were excited that pinned fields functionality would allow them to track all of these details separately for reporting, while picking and choosing which details maintain high visibility.
As an org admin, I need a way to create custom fields so that I can track database information that is helpful and relevant to my organization.
As an org admin, I need a way to populate database fields so that I can track important information that helps me identify and report on databases.
As an org admin, I need a way to promote important fields, so that the data is visible at a higher level.
As an org admin, I need to know how much data is being used across various categories so that I can perform budget reports.
Note: The amount of data stored on Everlaw is directly related to an org's monthly bill (Everlaw charges a monthly rate per GB).