This is Simple

Event design for Simple's design week open house

My role

Design intern


  • 1 Brand design lead
  • 1 Brand copywriter
  • 1 Brand designer
  • 1 Design intern (me)




Design Week Portland is an annual event that includes talks, events, and open houses of creative spaces throughout Portland.

Simple decided to host their first Design Week event in 2017, and needed an identity that would make a lasting impression on the creative community.


Visual exploration

The brand design team established the theme "This is Simple," serving as a play on words.

While our company name was “Simple,” the problems we encountered every day in design were most definitely not. I knew that we wanted to convey the amount of work (and sometimes messiness) that goes into designing a product and brand that is so seemingly, well... simple.

Sketches to explore large scale graphics and poster layouts.
Early iteration led me to play around with layering different process elements in order to communicate the depth that goes into making something that is “simple”.  To align with the playful and clever tone, I explored incorporating process from the planning of the event itself (floor plans, docs, etc) as graphic elements.

Final design

Primary event graphics

Textures and layers created from original process images were used to convey a feeling of dimension to illustrate the depth of our process and work.

This was balanced by elements of Simple's minimalist brand aesthetic (which was newly refreshed). The final effect of the 3 poster series was a "behind the scenes" blueprint effect.

Continuing with our emphasis on process, screen recordings of my work on the posters were used in a video montage created by our videographer.

Secondary event graphics

The theme was extended to a series of additional posters that were displayed as a gallery throughout our space.

These posters highlighted our brand and product features. Similarly to the large posters, these textures were created entirely from pieces of process work that originated from the specific feature they relate to. The use of our brighter brand colors, along with playful copy written by our copywriters, created a friendly and approachable tone.

Additional elements

Our final touches for the event were a welcome poster and swag kits for attendees.